Work Projects

♦ Serve as core design team members and faculty for the delivery of Leading with Impact, a frontline supervisory leadership seminar for the National Security Agency(NSA). The program is ongoing and will involve and impact over 2,000 agency employees encompassing both Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance (IA). The competencies presented and developed range from situational leadership and effective delegation to conflict management and coaching for performance.
♦ An executive coach for a cohort of selected high potentials from across multiple business units in Dow Corning’s Cross Functional Leadership Development Program. Guide these key future leaders and their direct managers through a critical mind shift to align development areas of focus on helping the company create greater collaboration across multiple stakeholders, grow globally through innovation and become an exceptional enterprise of over $10 Billion annually.
♦ Adjunct faculty members for the Duke Corporate Education international project Leaders in Anglo American. The project takes place in Santiago, Chile and involves facilitation of leadership development and effectiveness modules along with onsite and follow up executive coaching. Participants are selected high potentials and represent nine different countries from across six different business units throughout Anglo American.
♦ Invited to be part of a cadre of master facilitators currently delivering a 3-day Microsoft internally developed Fundamentals of Management training for M1 managers throughout North, Central and South America, Asia, and Europe. Have brought together both external experience of management challenges and best practices as well as an internal knowledge of the unique world of Microsoft. For two years have been consistently recognized as the top ranked facilitator with a sustained 4.85 score out of 5.0.
♦ Brought together a team with diverse expertise and resources to work in Seoul, South Korea with U.S. and Korean participants that were both civilian and military personnel with the Army Corps of Engineers. Taking into consideration unique cultural and logistic parameters, the team designed and delivered customized Resiliency, Influencing and Negotiating, and Developing Future Leaders training.
♦ Designed and facilitated a 2 day leadership retreat and ongoing long term team effectiveness coaching and training for the General Council and Legal Leadership Team within Flextronics. The program included extensive interviews with team members across global geographies and use of Behavioral Styles Inventory and several different OD tools to gain greater alignment, role responsibility and commitment behind the impacts of an organization wide expansion initiative.
♦ Coordinate and facilitate with the Center for Creative Leadership a strategic planning simulation as part of the Leadership at the Peak program with Mars. Through the use of orienteering, the custom program is designed to provide a practice field for implementing several different psychometric and feedback tools for more effective team leadership. The participants are all worldwide business directors from Mars global brands.
♦ Present to Senior Executives and GS-15s from over 20 different U.S. federal government agencies how to create strategies to attract, hire and retain top talent as well as formulate distinctive team and organizational philosophies and brands. The focus is to harness commitment to the organizational mission with the use of rituals, culture, metaphor, ceremonies and symbolism through the genius and art of the storytelling leadership tool.

♦ Over a three year period, conducted leadership inventories, assessments and coaching of 17 department heads for German pharmaceutical – Schwarz Bioscience. Tools utilized included the Benchmarks 360° and the Campbell Leadership Index along with onsite coaching that lead to individual leadership development plans and 5 yearlong organizational action learning projects. One project became a significant organization initiative that ultimately lead to an acquisition of a company in a pharmaceutical segment market.
♦ Coached a Bank of America senior U.S. sales manager and his regional representatives on role value proposition and high performing team processes. A multi-day business simulation including a high ropes challenge course created a practice field to discover group core competencies and areas for both group and individual development opportunities. A team charter was then created that identified their purpose, values, brand, norms, roles and vision for success. The following year the sales team exceeded their revenue and market penetration goals by 11% and 7% respectively.
♦ Associates working in tandem guided the leadership team of Open Sky Wilderness Therapies through creating a strategy for restructuring and transition of individuals into new positions, roles and responsibilities. Involved extensive interviews, consulting via conference calls and onsite facilitation of discussions with the founder and president of the organization and key department leaders. Together were able to outline the vision for the desired future state and the tactical plans with specific transition points and milestones to achieve the smooth and successful changeover in leadership roles.
♦ Part of an international consulting team delivering in Barcelona, Spain the 5 day Senior Leadership at Kraft program with the focus on cross cultural agility. In a Kraft Foods, Inc. company-wide initiative for globalization, we were each responsible for working closely with 6 country product directors on supplementing identified individual leadership strengths with new skillsets. Peer feedback and coaching through a number of leadership challenges combined with presentations from academic experts were core aspects of the training.
♦ Facilitated and implemented Max HR, a radical change to a “pay for performance” management system, throughout the U.S and overseas for 22 agencies within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The program required both an acceptance of a cultural mind shift and change in management beliefs and behaviors with specific skillset development. Was the most requested presenter with the highest evaluation scores over 2 ½ years of the cadre of 24 facilitators.
♦ Part of the rolled-out team for Creating the Future in Switzerland, Portugal and Greece, a world-wide organizational change initiative for Philip Morris International. This program fundamentally changed the adversarial philosophy and relationship of the tobacco industry with governments and the public to one of candidness about product health issues and cooperation of the company in responsibility for prevention of underage use of products.
♦ Served as the program manager and trained multi-national facilitators for the delivery of General Motors Europe The Opel Difference, a 17 nation cultural change program for Opel dealership owners in Cadiz, Spain. Involvement and responsibilities in this year long program ranged from participating in the design of the $15 million training project, conducting the train-the-trainer for the Hungarian, Italian and Spanish national trainers to supervision and running day to day logistic on the training site.